
Feelin' Good

"It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good"
-Nina Simone

this "warm six days - cold and rainy the next" weather
has gotten me physically feeling a lil' funky, but i really
couldn't be in better spirits. i'm riding this streak
of productivity and creativity and i am loving the feedback
i'm getting.

having a website has been
such a validating experience, and it inspires me to
create new things. i'm trying to jump on every cool idea that
has recently passed through my head. and i'm trying to
collaborate with everybody on everything.

my mini jobs aren't paying the bills, but being able to work
in the arts is a privilege - something i want to hold onto,
so it's motivating me to press harder to make myself more
valuable as an artist, employee, and person. it's also making
me look harder at how to brand myself and develop an
entrepreneurial spirit and work ethic.

among the few things i want in life is to put things out into
the world that garner positive attention. and it's beginning to
happen. image - this time last year i was...
what was i doing?


Gentrify Me

i was honored to be invited to be a part of an art show dedicated to the artist's experience and perspective on community change and neighborhood redevelopment.

artists’ culture and creative entrepreneurship are often catalysts for community revitalization, while the realities of rapid economic development and displacement are often the outcome. the show is relevant to NoDa, along with many arts communities and cities across the country.

Gentrify Me will be held at dialect gallery, located at 3204-c north davidson st, for the month of april. please join myself and a host of local artists for the opening on april 3rd at 6pm.

the show features artwork of myself, jasiatic anderson, dia1518, meika fields, laura grosch, john hairston jr., marcus kiser, tomika elise, moye, antoine williams, jen woods, and wolly vinyl.

have you ever...

paid $6.99 for a cd, and asked yourself,
"Damn! why couldn't this cd be $14.99?"
pick up that janelle monae at target and you will.



OH SNAP!! how could i forget?!
last month i finally started working on my website.
well, on feb 28, 2009 i officially launched my personal
website, CHDWCK.com
it's great to have a place to call my own.
posting my work on myspace is alright.
it's a nice way to alert people that you're doing something new.
but the work looks horrible in that setting.
and people aren't really on myspace to see me.
i post pics here on my blog, but i doubt people really search through
past posts to see what they may have missed.
well, anyzwayz... i will updating CHDWCK.com every wednesday
with new work, and you can also contact me through that page.
um, that's it.